Monday, March 1, 2010

The blog never actually known as "Fertile Dirt"

And so it begins.

First impetus to blog?: Friends indulge me in hearing about the goofy things I've seen or watched, either because I like goofy things or because I was morbidly curious at the time, and then friends occasionally laugh. I like making other people laugh.

Second impetus to blog?: While vacationing last fall, itself a journey of following where spirits might lead, I learned about Sadako Sasaki and the lore regarding folding a thousand paper cranes. My thinking is that if in the course of 1000 days I fold and give away 1000 paper cranes, I could begin fulfilling my own wish for world happiness by attempting to spread a little with each crane. And from there it seemed reasonable to consider posting pictures of the cranes and stories of the giving with some semblance of regularity. Maybe. Sometimes.

Third impetus to blog?: All the cool kids are doing it.

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